Build Your House with Environmentally Friendly and Revolutionary Recycled Materials
In recent years, we are more environmentally aware everything that surrounds us from what we use to what we produce. We think twice about using some products at home whether it's for house cleaning or drinking a soda. Some people even go further to recycle everything comes out of their households. One company even revolutionized building materials from recycled wastes.
Can you believe that we can build a house with recycled materials? Believe it. A building that built with recycled materials instead of concrete, lumbers, or steel, which are stronger, fire proof, extremely sound proof, bullet proof, waterproof, and energy efficient. Most of all it is environmentally friendly.
Is it too good to be true?
According to the company, they can build a home or commercial buildings with this recycled materials not only superior to convential buildings but also they help save the planet by mass-recycling into highly efficient real estate. In conventional buildings create millions of tons of wood waste and dumped in landfills every year according to EPA. US has 1.5 billion waste wood pallets, 6 for every American (Wall Street Journal). The US produces well over 100 million tons of coal combustion byproducts every year (Environmental Protection Agency). The construction of a 5,000+ house can recycle more than 600 TONS of these waste materials (land filled or piled up). There has never been a better time to get started cleaning up our planet! The extremely positive response to the company's approach proves that mass recycling into efficient Real Estate is a welcomed solution for today's environmentally and quality conscious mentality.
According to the company, the demand is growing rapidly as more and more people become environmentally & quality conscious. When people are presented with the concept of “a super home or commercial building that recycles 200, 600, 1,800, 23,000 TONS” and so on, contracts are easily closed and the competition fades away.
Fire Proof
Blasting the surface of the building material with 3,000 degree Fahrenheit blow torch will not cause the material to ignite. In other words, the building material will not burn.
Extremely Sound Proof
About 45+ Coefficient depending on thickness. Your home / building will be as sound proof as a professional recording studio. Tired of "paper thin walls you can hear through"? Our recycled building material is the answer!
BULLET proof
No “paper thin walls” as in with frame. We have shot wall panels with 12 gage shotguns, 357 Magnums, 45's, 22's, 9's, M14's, M16's, from as close as 10 feet away and we can still not find a bullet that will go through one of our 8 inch Super Wall Panels! :-)
Water Proof
All building components (panels) are waterproofed and sealed tight. No water penetration or moisture affects the panels.
Strong Wind Proof
Direct blows with a sledgehammer only cause small dents and external surface damage to Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material. Our Proprietary (recycled) Building Material will not break/shatter in pieces as easy as concrete or brick does or shatter like wood frame does when hit by large flying objects or being directly exposed to Hurricanes and Tornadoes.
R-100+ Self Insulated means EXTREME ENERGY EFFICIENCY
Not even the new slogan "Energy Star Partner" can describe our energy efficiency. Insulation is measured in "R-VALUE". The higher the "R-VALUE", the better insulated it is. The test consists in applying a minimal amount of heat to one side of the insulating material and measuring the amount of time for a minimal amount of heat to reach the other side. Wood Frame averages R-12 to R-20, which is pretty low. Insulated Concrete (ICF) is of course a bit higher than the insulation used in wood frame (About R-40). But when one side of a building component (wall panel) is exposed to 3,000 degree blow torch on one side, the heat does not (And I mean HEAT DOES NOT) go through the panel. This means that our proprietary (recycled) building material does NOT TRANSMIT HEAT. This can put our R-VALUE at well over R-100, if not R-INFINATE!
Seismically Superior
The flexural strength is much greater than concrete. It 'gives', bends, and can even crack without shattering in pieces like concrete can. When that big earthquake comes, you want to be in a Custom Super Home rather than in "one of their stick homes".
Sustainability has become a goal for many. Building with our proprietary (recycled) building material(s) result in SUPER SUSTAINABLE HOMES AND BUILDINGS perfect for the "New Sustainable Concious Communities".
Environmentally Friendly
The construction of a 5,000+ square foot house can recycle more than 600 TONS of fly ash & wood waste materials (land filled or piled up). It is neither toxic nor hazardous to you or to the environment. No out-gassing, radiation,etc. We have a complete Environmental Study proving it.
If you are interested in finding more about this, visit Custom Super Homes.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Build Your Home with Indestructive Recycled Materials
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Is Being Loyal Still Valued in Our Society?
The other day one of the PBS network stations aired Donald Trump interview. He is well known as a real estate tycoon and a major figure in the casino/hotel industry. His flamboyant life style and Trump skyscrapers in Manhattan certainly represent his fame and success in his field. His current celebrity role on television reality show ‘The Apprentice’ is growing popularity. There is no doubt that many ambitious young people admire his success.
However, neither his success nor his fame caught my attention. I was more interested in his downtime experience. Like many successful business people who went through their trying times, he also had to pay his due. Interestingly, his experience in failure was more dramatic than others and seemed that taught him a great deal.
The late 1990s his financial problems made his name well known when his unstoppable ambition to expand business came to halt and led to 900 million dollars in debt. At that time, his financial problem was so big his creditors could not offered let him go down. However, some of his friends in the business, he thought they were his friends, had turned on him and had nothing to do with him when he needed them the most.
He realized then who really his friends were. "People kiss your ass when you are successful. But people turn on you when you fail even colleagues who used to work with you. They don’t want you to call them anymore. You can make an interesting movie about it." He continues, "For example, I hired a woman. She was very unattractive physically and I found out later mentally as well. I took her out of her government job and made her successful."
His point was that he asked her to make a phone call to her friend as a favor when his company was in trouble. Her friend was a banker and a very close friend of her, who would do anything if she asked. But she told Donald, "I couldn’t do that. And, I am leaving the company to do my own business." He made her very successful otherwise she couldn’t be as successful in the business. Because of her success, she bought a beautiful house and met her handsome husband who married her for her money. However, right after she left his company, she lost everything; house, business, and her husband divorced her.
Over the years, she has called his company many times and left many messages with his secretary to return her calls, but he didn’t cared much about her anymore and never called her back. In fact, he gave the worst reference about her.
The moral of his story was that he thinks loyalty in business is important. It tells something about the person. People can count on him or her when they need the most. In recent years, I haven’t heard anyone who even speaks about loyalty. I don’t believe that it’s even existed in the corporate world or in our society. Mergers and acquisitions are common in the business now days and employees are not considered their assets and no one cares them anymore and vice versa.
Another example, Arnold Schwartzenegger was on one of the late night shows recently. When the host asked him about his support for the president, his answer was very staggering. He sees the president’s popularity is slipping, he turned his back on him completely. They both once supported each other for their political campaigns as Republican Party. That tells us a lot about him as a human being. Now, he is running again for the second term as a governor in California.
It is a rare character to find from a person. I didn’t think of Donald Trump much as a person but admired his business acumen, ambition, and thrive. Now, I can see why Donald Trump is very successful because he values something more from his employees and friends which others don’t. In return, he keeps them as his friends forever.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Annuity Investment Plan
Annuities are wildly popular. Are they a good investment?
According to an article (Parade), there is almost as much money invested in annuities to day as there is in 401(k) plans--a whopping $1.8 trillion. New annuity sales are a brisk $18 billion-plus a month, and they're expected to accelerate dramatically as the first baby boomers get ready to retire. But can this product work for you? Here's what you need to know:
What exactly is an annuity? It's an investment that's wrapped inside an insurance contract. You can buy one from a bank, a stockbroker, an insurance agent or a mutual-fund company. There's no tax on your earnings in the annuity until you withdraw them. "Deferred" annuities, which account for 98% of sales, are intended to accumulate money for at least a decade before you withdraw anything.
The pitch: You'll make a bundle thanks to all those years of untaxed growth--and even if you don't, many annuities guarantee that you'll at least get back what you put into them.
Know the details. Whether they work for a bank, a brokerage, a mutual-fund company or an insurer, annuity salesmen earn very high commissions--sometimes up to 12% of the money invested. Federal and state regulators say the sales pitch doesn't always disclose the size of the commission or the fact that annuities typically carry substantial annual charges and huge early-withdrawal penalties. If you want your money back within seven years (sometimes longer), you can forfeit 5% to 10% or more in surrender charges to the insurer. If you're under age 59-1/2, you also owe the government a 10% early-withdrawal penalty.
Regulators have found that annuities often are sold to inappropriate buyers: elderly people who may not outlive the surrender penalty, for example, or parents who intend to cash out before age 59-1/2 to pay for a child's college education.
When to consider an annuity. Consider an annuity only if you already contribute the maximum to a 401(k), an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and a Roth IRA; if you can afford to leave the annuity untouched for at least 15years; and if you won't need the money until you're more than 59-1/2.
Even then, annuities compare poorly with IRAs and employer-sponsored retirement plans, such as 401(k)s. Those accounts give you a tax-deferral too, but at much lower cost than you'd pay in an annuity. As a result, you get to keep more of your earnings. Many retirement accounts also give you an extra tax break that you don't get with an annuity: Your contributions cut your current tax bill. In an employer-sponsored account, you also may get a matching contribution from your workplace.
Most annuities even compare poorly with taxable investments. True, your money in the annuity grows untaxed. But you may pay such high annual expenses, it can take 20 years before you earn more in the annuity than you would in an ordinary taxable investment with the same return!
So, what you can buy instead?
The following types of accounts all have lower fees than annuities, so you keep more of your earnings. Also:
A 401(k) or 403(b) plan offers more tax breaks than annuities--and often an employer's matching contributions too.
An IRA also can give you more tax breaks, plus a wider choice of investments.
A Roth IRA provides a better tax break than annuities and also gives you access to your money: You can withdraw Roth contributions anytime without tax or penalty.
Source: Parade
For more information on the three basic kinds of annuities and how they actually work, visit
Friday, July 14, 2006
Is This One of the Homebased Business Scams?
The following is an example of work from home scams that I received by email. You judge!
The other day I received an email offering a job. It seemed first a legitimate offer but I realized that I got another email the exact same letter from another person. I replied to first email asking about the company and requesting other information regarding their offer, but never got an answer back.
Now, the same person who sent me the first email job offer, sent me another email with different email address. The following is whole story.
Whole thing smells like fish. You judge!
This is the first email that I received:
CityPoint, Level 32
One Ropemaker Street
London EC2Y 9AW United Kingdom
Tel/Fax: +447031872288
How are you doing today? I hope all is well. Would you like to work online from home and get paid weekly ? ARTHALL ARTS & CRAFTS needs a book-keeper in the United States, so I want to know if you would like to work online from home and get paid weekly without leaving or affecting your present job? The company presently run an Arts Galleria in the UK and we need someone to work for the company as a representative/book keeper in the United States.
The company deals in the sales of Art and Craft works, sculptures and carvings, antique artifacts and produces various fabrics materials, batiks, assorted fabrics and various traditional costumes from all over the world and we have clients we supply weekly in the United States. Our clients make payments for our supplies every week in form of U.S. Money Order which are not readily cashable outside the United States, so we need someone in the United States to work as our representative and assist us in processing the payments from our clients and he/she would be paid a weekly salary.
Our payments will be issued out in your name and you get them cashed in your bank deduct your weekly salary and foward the balance to the company via western union/money gram money transfer. Basically what the Company is searching for is a Representative/Book-keeper in the States who wou ld help to establish a medium of getting our funds from our customers there. If you are interested in working with us we would be very glad as inability to get our Payment in cash has posed a big problem and has affected account reconciliation and turn over grossly.
These are legitimate transactions between our customers and our company Representative and there is no legal risk as these are payments for goods already bought and delievered. We are offering 10% of whatever amount it is that you cash per week as salary and subject to your satisfaction you will be given the oppurtunity to negotiate the mode by which we will pay for your services as our official Representative/Book-keeper in the States. The mode we would prefer would be instant deduction of your salary from the Amount before going ahead to send whatever is left back via Western Union/MoneyGram Money Transfer.
We are aware that you would be charged to have the money sent, whatever that would amount to is to be deducted from the balance of the funds after you must have deducted your salary.
Please if you are interested forward the following info:
1.) Full Names
2.) Home/Cell Phone number
3.) Full Home Address, City, State and Zip Code.
6.) AGE
N.B. PLS FORWARD YOUR REPLY TO THIS EMAIL : Hoping to hear from you soon.
Mr. Larry Johnson
The following is another email I received from another person.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Would you like to work online from home and get paid weekly ?
S & A LIMITED needs a book-keeper in the state,so i want to know if you
will like to work online from home and get paid weekly without leaving or
affecting your present job?
It's just that i presently run a textile and fabrics firm i inherited from
my late Dad in the UK and we need someone to work for the company as a
representative/book keeper in the States.
My company produces various clothing materials, batiks, assorted fabrics
and traditional costume which we have clients we supply weekly in the
My clients make payments for our supplies every week in form of Money
Orders,T.c's,cheques which are not readily cashable outside the United
States, So we need someone in the States to work as our representative and
assist us in processing the payments from our clients and i will pay
HIM/HER weekly salary.
Our payments will be issued out in your name and you get them cashed in
your bank, deduct your weekly salary and foward the balance to the company
I will need your Full name, Residential Address and Phone Number so we can
foward it to our clients and they will start making payments to you as the
company's representative in the states.
Warmest Regards,
Tony Adams.
CEO S & A Fabrics & Textiles. ( UK, Cash and Distribution Office).
The following email from the first person who sent me the email with a job offer without answering my questions about the company and other information.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Death of a Modern Corporate Impostor
Death of Kenneth Lay, Enron Executive
Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay, age of 64, who was convicted of accounting fraud, the most hated a modern executive by hard working people and many investors in U.S. history, died suddenly of a heart attack at his vacation home in Colorado.
When he was convicted, we all felt sense of victory that the big fish didn’t get away as believing that white collar crime often had gotten away from our judicial system. Since he has been waiting for his sentence, which scheduled in Oct. 23, could have put him in jail for the rest of his life. Apparently his existing heart problem and stress caused his death according to his family doctor.
Surrounding his sudden death, instead of respect and tribute to his life, it has raised many suspicions. Some people even suspected that his death was staged to avoid his jail time and losing his states and millions of dollars that he pocketed from his company.
I wonder how many people feel sorry for his death on this day. Does his death bring back his legacy as a different person rather than a convicted felon?
Lay had built Enron into a high profile, widely admired company, the seventh largest publicly traded in the country and once became a corporate wonder boy. Enron started to collapse when his company’s finances showed suspicious profit report, which were based on a web of fraudulent partnerships and schemes.
Like these executives in Tyco, Enron, WorldCom who were committed securities violations, were not born with a silver spoon in their mouths, but they were ambitious, striving people who once made the American dream such as Ken Lay. Before his greed demon turned him into a fraudulent felon, he was an ambitious young man. His career resume could have inspired many young people and could have been a symbol of success to many who are working hard to be on the corporate ladder.
According to associate press, he was born in Tyrone, Mo. and spent his childhood helping his family make ends meet. His father ran a general store and sold stoves until he became a minister. Lay delivered newspapers and mowed lawns to pitch in. He attended the University of Missouri, found his calling in economics, and went to work at Exxon Mobil Corp. predecessor Humble Oil & Refining upon graduation.
He joined the Navy, served his time at the Pentagon, and then served as undersecretary for the Department of the Interior before he returned to business. He became an executive at Florida Gas, then Transco Energy in Houston, and later became CEO of Houston Natural Gas. In 1985, HNG merged with InterNorth in Omaha, Neb. To form Enron, and Lay became chairman and CEO of the combined company the next year (2006).
Whether his death brings forgiveness to his crime or being condemned to his grave, his nightmare is over. His legacy will haunt the rest of hardworking, honorable corporate leaders and teach them a valuable lesson. So the sense of trust that had lost in the public by all this is hopefully restored.
Death of a Modern Corporate Impostor is gone, we heard, but is he?
Friday, July 07, 2006
Did you know you have a right to sell your note/contract and get cash now?
If you have the following Notes, you might be able to cash out today. Find out how much your note worth.
- Real Estate Notes: Real Estate Joint Ventures/Exchanges, Real Estate Notes, Home Improvement Notes, Commercial leases, Mobile Home notes, Property Lease, Land Contracts, Time Share Notes, and Lease purchase Agreement
- Business Notes: Accounts Receivable, Gas, Oil & Mineral Leases, Business Invoices/Receivables, Equipment, Letters of Credit, Farm Subsidies, International Opportunities, Investment Opportunities, Lawyer's Fee Notes, Invoices, Consumer Receivables, Credit Card Accounts, Defaulted & Sub-Performing, Purchase Orders, Mechanic's Liens, Medical Receivables, and Commission Notes
- Structured Settlements: Collection Acounts, Deferred Settlements, Disability Payments, Divorce Settlements, Structured Settlements, Partnership Agreements, Lawsuit Insurance Settlements, Court Judgments, Class Action Awards, Commercial Deficiency Portfolios, Consumer Installment Paper, Annuities, Automobile Notes, Cash Prizes and Awards, Casino Winnings, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Church Bonds, Funeral Purchase Agreements, Government Contract, Inheritances & Probates, Lottery Winnings, Marine, Military pensions, Pensions, Royalty Payments, RV Paper, Sports Contracts, Standard Full Purchase, Sweepstakes, Tax Certificates, Tax Shelters, VA Compensation, Vocational School Paper, Voluntary Separation Incentives, Aircraft, and Worker's Compensation
- Viaticals: Viaticals Settlements - Life Insurance
- Bankruptcy Cash Outs
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Eight Below (Movie Review)
Eight Sled Dogs' Adventure for Survival Teaches Us Courage and
Walt Disney did it again! Unlike cartoon animated movies, this film doesn’t have a smarty animal character but it tells the story about true and unusual animal behavior and adventures. Throughout the movie it makes you feel heartwarming compassion and gives tears in your eyes. Anyone, who loves dogs, this film is just made for you and your family.
The movie Eight Blow is inspired by a true story, which took place in Antarctica. It directed by Frank Marshall and presented by Walt Disney Pictures.
The story begins with Jerry (Paul Walker) and eight amazing sled dogs are ready to take a journey to guide an archeologist, who is looking for a special rock for his research in somewhere in Antarctica. Along the way, Jerry and Sled dogs go through a variety of difficult situations together. When the archeologist fell into water fighting his life in the freezing water, Jerry and his guided dogs dramatically saved him and safely brought him back to the base. Jerry almost lost his fingers from the frostbite to save him.
During the most dangerous winter, the research base has to evacuate until spring. Jerry was forced to leave the dogs behind but promised to come back to get them. However, Jerry couldn’t find the way to go back and rescue them despite of his determination.
Mean while, eight-stranded sled dogs must to learn to survive together in the most vulnerable winter on the planet until Jerry rescues them. Survival instinct of these dogs brought by their friendship and courage to survive together under Maya’s, lead dog, guidance. Their journey for own survival during unforgiving winter lasted over six months.
I wonder what could have happened with humans in that situation. Probably, we tried to kill each other rather than help each other to survive together. We think we are civilized and that makes us human beings, but is it? It teaches us to think through them.
Built in unforgettable bonds of friendship and belief in one another, which make an incredible journey to reunite both Jerry and his beloved dogs in different ways. I felt compassion throughout their adventure to reunite and cheered for their triumphant with tears of joy and happy ending.
Like any other Walt Disney pictures, there is undertone of family theme and happy ending. This is an adventure film the whole family can enjoy.
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Tell Them What it is and Make Money.
Can People Really Make Money Providing Their Opinions at Home?
Get Paid To Take Surveys!
There are many legitimate promotional companies that offer a variety of payments for your opinions. You can get paid for your opinions. Often times, these companies pay you a form of cash reward or credits for cash, and also, offer other ways to win cash prizes or free products.
It is great opportunity for staying home moms and part time workers at home. However, it requires time. It takes range of five minutes to 20 minutes depending on the subject or questionnaire.
If you are looking to make a lot of money, this is not the work you are looking for. You can make $150-$300 a month part-time bases for extra money if you sign with several companies. However, if you are lucky, you may win $1,000 to $10,000 for drawings.
Some companies also offer you the opportunity to involve in non-profit donations with your credit.
The following is examples of surveys ads:
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
American Dream: Does Size Matter?
Being Rich Used Be Represented by a big house.
An architect Susanka said, “Size is not where the sense of home resides.” Wealth and a size of house used be coincided as a symbol of rich and famous. It is true that the bigger the house takes the more money to maintain. Therefore, one has to be wealthy enough to have a big house.
However, there is a current trend that many homeowners are trading their home size for comfort according to the Orange County Register Weekly Magazine, Parade. Many of these homeowners were finding more comfort in less space and freedom. Is this trend wealthy new generations’ wisdom and practical minds? The following is a part of the article by Rory Evans.
How Big Is Too Big?
During the real-estate boom of the last decade, it seemed like there was no such thing as too big a home. Today, many Americans—and their local governments—are reconsidering that notion.
- Lawmakers in DeKalb County, Ga., passed a bill that allows residents to veto construction of new “megahouses.”
- In Marin County, Calif., would be owners of new homes larger than 4,000 square feet must get approval from local authorities.
- Pitkin County, Colo. (which includes Aspen) is now considering a 15,000-square-foot cap on home size. Already, houses larger than 5,000 square feet must include a source of renewable energy (such as solar panels) or pay a fee to support local renewable-energy projects.
- Interim legislation passed last February in Austin, Tex., restricts the size of new homes on existing residential lots: The homes must be no larger than 2,500 square feet, or less than 20% larger than the home that was removed, or no more than 40% as large as the lot.
- In April, a six-month moratorium was placed on construction of houses larger than 2,000 square feet in historic districts of Delray Beach. Fla.
Source: Parade, the Orange County Register (Insert) Weekly Magazine.
If you like to find out more related articles: Visit
Monday, June 12, 2006
How to Enjoy Your Wealth?
Traveling the world without worrying about finances is one of the ways enjoying wealth. It is one of the rich people’s privileges. Many people have that as their wish lists that can be achieved.
Get rich and stay rich with tips that we provide in our website, and enjoy your wealth a variety of ways. The following is traveling overseas and tips for essentials for your travel.
Traveling Overseas -- Essentials
Traveling to foreign nations is a great way to see the world’s most historical and beautiful sights, meet new people and experience all that other cultures have to offer. But traveling abroad can also expose Americans to many hazards and dangers, and safety should be the first concern of every vacationing tourist or business traveler. To ensure that your next trip overseas is as danger-free as it can be, follow a few tips from a travel expert.
Ted Wright is an international hotelier and a deluxe travel specialist who has lived in nine different countries and has managed some of the greatest hotels in the world. A traveler for the past three decades, Ted was knighted by the Queen of England in 1999 for service to tourism, the arts and the community. Here he offers his advice for staying safe while out of the country:
Insurance. Wright advises all international travelers to take out extra insurance from a travel agent or other provider. Some insurance agencies also offer evacuation or emergency medical services and can even help in the case of a kidnapping.
Important numbers. Numbers to have on hand at all times include your passport number, your social security number and the phone numbers of U.S. embassies and consulates in every area you will be staying in and traveling through. Wright recommends keeping these and other important numbers stored in three different locations.
Be wary of invites. Making new friends is one of the many benefits of travel, but be wary of invitations to private homes unless you really know the person. Use your common sense and politely turn down invitations that seem strange or make you uncomfortable. If you do accept an invitation, let your hotel know where you are going.
Stay in touch. Keep in contact with friends or relatives back home and keep them apprised of your itinerary. If you make changes in your plans, call or send an e-mail so they will know where you are, and when they can expect to hear from you again.
Keep your guard up. And finally, Wright suggests that you always be on guard when traveling abroad. The world is changing constantly and can be just as dangerous as it is exciting and beautiful. Keep your eyes and ears open, use your best judgment, and never do anything that could place you in a potentially dangerous situation.
For more information on safe travel and travel tips, check out the following organizations and websites:
American Society of Travel Agents: Traveling Safely
U.S. Department of State: A Safe Trip Abroad
U.S. Department of State: The Bureau of Consular Affairs
Safe Within: Travel Safety
Corporate Travel Safety: Travel Safety Tips
Friday, June 09, 2006
Guilt Free Food Recipes
Is There Such a Thing as Guilt Free Healthy Food?
We are living in an environment that is easy to neglect our health whether you work for someone else or work from home. Our lives often become routine and forget small things that make a difference in our lives like food. For some people, eating food is just filling up their stomach.
The secret to enjoy the food is in knowing that you are eating a healthy food. Particularly people who are watching their weight or health. However, is there such a thing as guilt free healthy food?
It sounds oxymoron but the answer is YES. There are plenty of healthy food recipes without giving up taste and nutritional benefits. Eating a healthy and nutritional food is important for anyone. It is not just for rich and wealthy people. Some recipes are so easy to make and take less than 30 minutes.
The following recipe is that I found from the Home magazine and I personally tried the recipe and enjoyed very much. So, I wanted to recommend to everyone who wants quick and easy breakfast or desert using crepes.
Spinach and Ricotta Crepes
(Yield 8 crepes)
- 2 pounds fresh spinach, stemmed and washed
- 1 1/4 cups ricotta cheese
- 1 egg, beaten
- 1/2 cup shredded Jarlsberg cheese or crumbled feta cheese or crumbled goat cheese
- 1/4 teaspoon grated nutmeg
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 8 (6- or 7-inch) crepes
- 1 tablespoon olive oil or melted butter
- 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Cooking direction: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 9-by-13-inch baking pan with butter or margarine or olive oil.
1. Cook spinach in covered pan over medium heat 1 minute, or until slightly limp. Drain spinach and press out excess water with back of large spoon; chop finely. (NOTE: I used a packaged spinach.)
2. In medium bowl, mix ricotta, egg, cheese, nutmeg, spinach, salt, and pepper.
3. Spoon 1/2 cup filling in ribbon down center of each crepe and roll up. Arrange in prepared pan in single layer. Brush tops with olive oil or butter and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
4. Bake in preheated oven 10-15 minutes, or until heated through.
Nutritional Information per serving: 261 Calories, 14.6 grams protein, 16.5g carbohydrates, 15.8grams fat, 55 percent grams fat, 133 milligrams cholesterol, 370 milligrams sodium.
Source: Home Magazine
Monday, June 05, 2006
How to Build a Wealth in Real Estate?
Learn From the Master
Donald Trump is one of the world’s most famous businessmen, and the name Trump is synonymous with success. When it comes to ENTREPRENEURSHIP and REAL ESTATE, there is no stronger brand. TRUMP UNIVERSITY is a dynamic business education company that delivers the knowledge and experience of Donald Trump and his hand picked team of experts in a world-class curriculum. Putting Trump University and its cutting edge products in front of your customers is as close to a sure bet as you’ll find on the Web. What You will learn from the TRUMP UNIVERSITY?:
- Donald Trump shows you how to win in business
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Friday, June 02, 2006
Tips for finding the best mortgages.
Where can you find the Best Mortgages?
Interest rates have been rising gradually for a couple of years. Everyone in the housing market is affected both buyers and sellers, and millions of homeowners may see their monthly mortgage payments increase this year. However, real estate is till booming. What is the best mortgage can you find today, if you are in the market?
Choosing a mortgage can be a tricky particularly now days. There are too many options to choose from but how do you know which one is the best fit for your situation.
Some mortgage experts suggest that a fix rate mortgage is the ideal if you plan to stay in your house or a new house more than 10 years or longer. Even it costs you extra to get the fixed rate mortgage it is worth to avoid rate increase in the future. They also suggest that you should read the fine print and comparison-shop whether refinancing or taking out a first mortgage.
You should avoid the following options:
- Interest only (IO) loan payments – This offers initial low monthly payments because your payments are not included to pay off principal, but when the loan is adjusted your monthly payments can be doubled.
- Option ARMs – Bankers call this “negative amortization.” This offers you to decide how much you can pay each month; however, unpaid interest will be added to the loan principal later on. As a result, your mortgage balance will grow.
According to a financial report, Federal regulators fear that many Interest only loan and Option ARM mortgage borrowers will be forced to default when their payments rise rapidly. In 2005, banks resold approximately 64.8% new mortgages to investors. Most people assume that banks wouldn’t lend money more than you can afford but it is far from the truth. Banks are willing to sell as long as people want to buy.
Here are some tips for you to consider:
- If you are a seller, compare the asking prices of similar houses and set yours accordingly. Be flexible.
- If you are a buyer, do not expect on rapidly increasing home pries to bail you out. Do not stretch your budget to buy a house that you cannot afford.
- If you have an adjustable rate mortgage, find out how often your interest rate can change and how it is determined. Typically, adjustable rate mortgages are tied to benchmarks that rise when the Federal Reserve raises short-term interest rates. It can rise over the life of the loan.
Here is how you can protect yourself:
- Comparison shop by looking at the annual percentage rate (APR), which includes all costs and out-of-pocket fees.
- Avoid unsolicited loan offers.
- Choose a mortgage broker who sets his/her fee in advance.
- Choose a mortgage broker who will find you the lowest-cost mortgage. \
- Decide a loan that you can afford.
- Do not choose a loan based on the initial monthly payments.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Does Anyone Care for Business Ethics?
As the businesses become globalize, the competition intensifies at the same time. Mergers and acquisitions become in common in order to capture the market share. The size of a company becomes matter. The pressure to increase bottom line from the shareholders and the environmental changes are rapidly affecting day-to-day corporate business decisions. Yet, investors rely on companies' business ethics and honest marketplace.
Since the Enron, Tyco, and Tenet Corporations have become a fraudulent symbol of American corporations, many companies business conducts have been in question and forced to make significant changes in their business practices.
Some companies built their businesses under 'doing a right thing' and lived by their ethical principles. Now a day, 'doing a right thing' is not an option, it is a must. However, it is a challenge and requires discipline thinking and courage particularly in the business world. It must apply ethical policies from the executives to the bottom of the command in a firm in order to believe and practice it as a whole.
In recent years, we have seen the consequence of fraudulent conducts by the greed executives: Hundreds of people lost their pensions, jobs, savings, and retirements. Meanwhile, the Fed caught their tails while they were fattening their own pockets with money. We cheered with deep sigh when Enron CEO Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling were found guilty and both men face the prospect of spending the rest of their lives in prison. But, there is no sign of recovering of $70 billion and 4,500 job losses.
A long time ago, one's greed was considered as its ambition and many people believed that it was a good thing as long as it didn't hurt anyone. Many people accepted building a personal wealth with hard work and honesty with praise. Even companies ran their businesses within the ethical boundaries and the employees and the company reached an agreement without written policies.
The question about business ethics however, has raised long before Enron, Tyco, and Tenet Corporations. Smaller companies have also played games with securities in the past, and some will certainly do so in the future. Despite these crooked corporations on the news, there are many companies take business ethics very seriously and operate businesses under code of conduct.
If an individual doesn't have honesty, integrity, and character to own or run a company, the company probably doesn't have a written code of conduct nor care to do the right thing. Deceptive accounting is more often a consequence of financial crisis than the cause. In Enron's case however, an individual greed is more likely the cause. The market caught onto them before federal regulators did. Our free market is dependent upon trust and accountability. Confidence in marketplace is paramount to open market. Free market economy relies on business ethics of both publicly traded companies and small enterprises.
Business ethics are based on individual's business conduct. Each individual does a right thing and care for another will make a difference in the world of business and society. Enron is an epitome of fraudulent corporations and taught us the consequences of the corporate greed and unethical business practices, which caused grief to thousands of employees and investors.
Honesty, integrity, and quality are the three ingredients for the business success as well as the best quality an individual to possess. Creating the kind of company that stands for something more than the bottom line, and its bottom line will increase. Corporations’ accountability and trust worthy get their investors’ confidence and win the global competition in the long run.
Business ethics should not be just a written policy it has to be imbedded in us to practice it, believe in it, and live in it. Our free and open market is dependent on it and global economy relies on it.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Which Project Gets the Most for Returns on Home Remodeling?
In recent years, many homeowners spent 4 percent more on home improvements than before. But all these projects do not get money back when it comes to recouping costs. The remodeling data shows that few projects would get a positive rate of return.
According to the Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard, despite rising interest rates, U.S. homeowners in the past 12 months spent about $155 billion on home remodeling, an increase of more than 4 percent compared with the previous 12-month period.
Unfortunately, there is not enough research to show the returns that homeowner received on their investments. The most widely used figures come from a construction trade magazine, Remodeling. It publishes every year, an estimate of the cost of various projects in 58 cities compare against estimates of how much those projects increased the value of a house under the Cost vs. Value Report. This report also appears in Realtor magazine.
The Cost vs. Value Report shows various remodeling can recoup the cost depending on the projects. For examples, a minor kitchen remodeling would cost average $14,913 and return 98.5 percent of that investment when the house was sold. If you add a midsize master bedroom with a walk-in closet, dressing area and bathroom, would cost around $73,370, of which approximately 82.4 percent returns on investment. Remodeling a modest bathroom costing about $10,499 could earn back 102.2 percent of the investment.
These estimates for its return-on-investment data come from a survey of about 1,600 real estate agents and appraisers. However, the report is too small to provide reliable estimate on a city level but it is reliable only on the regional or national level.
If you are thinking of remodeling your home, an expert suggests that keep the following in mind:
- Remodeling projects ought to be appealed to your taste and style.
- You shouldn't worry about resale value and do the renovations you want.
- You should enjoy it while you are living in the house.
Either way, someone will appreciate your renovation when you sell your house.
The following is tips for improving the value of your house without spending fortune and get the most on your return on investments.
- Painting on interior and exterior.
- Kitchen top resurfacing.
- The modest bathroom remodeling.
- An upper-range siding replacement.
- Floor remodeling or floor replacement; wood floor or new carpet.
Friday, May 19, 2006
The Formula of Success
The law of success starts from your thinking is neither new idea nor new discovery. It helped many people in their process of creating wealth. I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for your process of building your own financial freedom. The following is one of the modern motivational stories and about a person who created original formula for the law of success.
We all cheer average person who made extraordinary wealth from unfortunate circumstances and try to emulate their success to our own. The law of success gives us the platform to start our journey for financial freedom.
When it comes to personal-success literature, Napoleon Hill (October 26, 1883-November 8, 1970) is considered one of the earliest modern creators. His most successful work, Think and Grow Rich, has been one of the best-selling books of all time and he received an honorary doctorate in English Literature.
It is not surprised to anyone that his book is based on his research with Carnegie through successful and famous people. Discovering formula through process of success, later he elaborated in a simple recipe that could be duplicated by the average person. That’s why his book has sold over thirty million copies and it is still popular to many people who want to create wealth. Hill also created the phrase ‘Mastermind’ and defined as "coordination of knowledge and effort in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose."
His success was neither spoon fed by his parents nor a sudden fortune. According to his official biographer, Hill was born into poverty in a two-room cabin in the town of Pound in rural Wise County, Virginia. His mother died when he was ten years old and his father remarried two years later.
At the age of thirteen he got a job as a "mountain reporter" for small-town newspapers. He tried to enter law school with his earnings as a reporter but soon had to withdraw for financial reasons. In 1908, one of his assignments as part of a series of biographies of famous men, to interview industrial Andrew Carnegie, turned out to be the turning point in his career. Hill discovered that Carnegie believed that the process of success could be explained in a simple formula that could be copied by the average person.
Carnegie impressed with Hill and commissioned him to interview over 500 successful men and women without pay but offered him to provide him with letters of reference. Later, Hill became one of Carnegie’s advisors. In order to discover and publish this formula of success, Hill interviewed many of the most famous people and millionaires of the time, including Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, George Eastman, Henry Ford, Elmer Gates, John D. Rockefeller, Charles M. Schwab, F.W. Woolworth, William Wrigley Jr., John Wanamaker, William Jennings Bryan, Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson, and Jennings Randolph. This project lasted over twenty years. The initial formula of success called The Law of Success by Hill and Carnegie was published in Hill’s book Rags-to-riches in 1928. The formula was later published in home-study courses, including the seventeen-volume "Mental Dynamite" series until 1941.
Hill owned Hill’s Golden Rule magazine and worked as the editor and publisher from 1919 to 1920 and he became an advisor to President Franklin Roosevelt from 1933 to 1936. The Ladder to Success was published in 1930. Hill elaborated this success formula in his most famous book, Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937 and it became one of the most selling books all time.
Napoleon Hill Books:
Think and Grow Rich
The Law of Success
How to Sell Your Way through Life
How to Raise Your Own Salary
Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude
You Can Work Your Own Miracles
Napoleon Hill’s Keys to Success
His other works are a lecture on Science of Success with Stone and a teaching on Philosophy of Personal Achievement. He died in 1970 in South Carolina.
What is The Carnegie Secret?
The "Carnegie Secret" is a concept that Hill studied extensively. Carnegie believed that the formula for success was so powerful, that if it was applied and taught to students, the time they needed to spend in formal schooling could be cut in half. He also believed that this formula was used by all the leading businessmen and inventors of the late 19th and early 20th century and asked Hill to go out and confirm the application of the formula.
Hill refers to this formula in his introduction to Think and Grow Rich as a conception and "secrete" which is the foundation of all success and essential to the concept itself.
Think and Grow Rich discusses the life of inventor Thomas Edison who used the formula as being necessary for the attainment of all achievement, including riches.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Make Money With Cash Flow
Create Your Wealth with Cash Flow Business
In any business or personal finance, cash flow is important element for surviving in the long run. To have a positive cash flow, a company or an individual has to make more money than what they spend during a defined period of time. In order to make wise financial decisions, the business and individual have to examine the amount of cash being generated and spent.
Cash flow business comes in when the business and individual needs cash for their business or personal finance. For example, the business needs cash right away for operating expenses but its cash has been tied up on receivable notes. Now, that’s where your cash flow business comes in. Your job is to find someone with cash and wants those notes and matches them together. The company gets cash they need and the investor gets what he wants, receivable notes in this case. The best thing is that you get paid handsomely for that service. Everyone benefits by your service. This is only one of them.
It is one of the lucrative home based businesses and many people created wealth by doing it. Fortunately, it is untapped industry and not well known to many people.
The reason it is not well known to many because it is not traditional way of dealing in financial transactions such as the banking and institutional lending. Cash flow business is a wide variety of privately held debt and other cash flow instruments that are actively bought and sold, which provides flexibility, availability, and softer underwriting requirements.
The benefits of the business are:
- You can start with no or little investment.
- It provides tremendous freedom.
- You can work at home.
- No limit to geographical boundaries.
Cashing in With Other Cash Flows
Seller-financed Transactions have existed for decades. The cash flow business has gradually grown to encompass a wide spectrum of diversified debt instruments and it becomes profitable financial niches.
Alternative cash flow has expanded into private investors and has become more interested in purchasing non-debt related forms of cash flow. This means there are more cash flow business opportunities for new comers in areas such as, annuity agreements, structured settlements, lottery awards and similar prize entitlements, pension benefits, royalty agreements, deferred casino winnings, deferred sports contracts, and more.
There are approximately 60 identifiable debt and cash flow niches including the non-debt-related above and others such as commercial receivable the example above, business notes, medical receivables, automobile, marine and aviation paper, equipment leasing contracts, timeshares, government contract payments, retail installment contracts, manufacturing housing paper, and real estate notes.
Therefore, you have the variety of possibilities that you can expand for your cash flow business.
Start making money with Russ Dalbey's Winning In The Cash Flow Business!
Tax Break
There are tax benefits that accrue to those who have their own business even if it is part time and especially if it is out of their home. I am not an accountant or an attorney and I will leave the sophisticated tax lessons to those more qualified than I. But I do know that too much wealth is eroded by taxes and one of the best, if not the best, defense against this is having your own business. I have been told that the average person can save about $5,000 per year just by having his or her own business.
Let baseball be just a game! (about Barry Bonds)
Should Barry Bonds record stand? (Steroids & Sports)
Being a Major League Baseball player is one of regular boys’ dreams. In recent months, every boy’s dream has been tainted by the suspicion of illegal substance use by some of the baseball superstar players and it raises a question about many players’ baseball records and cheating.
Barry Bonds has not been charged and he has denied knowingly using any illegal performance enhancing drugs. Despite investigation and dark clouds over Barry Bonds career and his home run records, San Francisco baseball fans seemed not disturbed by steroid news and anxious to see him play throughout the season for their beloved baseball team.
Whether he has been charged or not, there were overwhelming testimonies of observers of Bonds that his home-run records of recent years got a significant boost from a various performance enhancing drugs, including steroids and human growth hormone. There is no doubt that steroid scandal corrupted the view of the highest levels of professional athletic competition particularly Major League Baseball. The question is that Barry Bonds’ extraordinary records were achieved by his talent, or by cheating. Should Barry Bond’s record stand?
Without knowing much about baseball and baseball players, my personal opinion however, it is not about Barry Bonds. It is about the integrity of athletic competition at its highest levels. Everyone seems to have a different opinion about baseball players who have been suspected of taking steroids or tested positive; others want to see Major League Baseball teams to clean up while die-hard fans want to ignore whole investigation of steroid use.
Since Roman times, one thing we all cherish and tend to honor the sportsmanship, character, and integrity in any sport competitions, the recent steroid scandal has not only compromised these elements of players but also raised suspicion of other players’ merits in all sports.
No doubt that steroid use is a serious problem. We have seen increase in steroid use in high school and college athletes across all sports. The tolerance for performance-enhancing drugs in the professional baseball league will inevitably catch on to the colleges and high school sports programs.
By stripping away Barry Bonds’ record wouldn’t solve the problem. I am not even sure that this will get rid of performance enhancing drugs completely in the Major League Baseball. He might have been the greatest baseball player ever as he insisted that his accomplishments were purely a result of hard work and talent. It is sad to think that Barry Bonds’ single-season home run record and his legacy would be tarnished because of it.
However, it will teach other players a lesson about the virtue of fair play and cheating should not be tolerated in any sports including Barry Bonds’ extraordinary records. Let this be a lesson to all boys who have taught by baseball moms and dads that cheating is okay and winning is everything. Let baseball be just a game.
Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
Author of rich dad, poor dad Robert Kiyosaki paired up with Sharon L. Lechter to write a book Cashflow Quadrant: Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom (Paperback). It is the follow-up of his first book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad and guide to financial fast track. He explains difference between rich dad and poor dad’s advice on a life’s path along with reasons why some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and feel more financially secure than others.
This book helps realize where you are today based on the Quadrant chart and where you want to be in five years.Changing from industrial age to information age, there is difference between an employee and a business owner and between average investors and successful investors. It is based on his unusual circumstance to learn how to create a wealth from his rich dad and guide you to take new direction for your financial future. Although he talks about his own ability at school as an average student, his keenness of insight about how to create a financial freedom is hardly an average.
It is written in plain language, which is easy to read and understand by any level of education. As Robert Kiyosaki recommends, "This book is about choosing new options, new directions, and a new financial future." Sharon L. Lechter, C.P.A. Inventor, and Business Executive says, "RICH DAD’S CASHFLOW QUADRANT provides a road map to financial success." And, it is certainly for people who are ready to take a new step for his own destiny of financial freedom.
Recently, Robert Kiyosaki has been working actively with Donald Trump, another real estate tycoon, engaging in a real estate wealth building seminar in Los Angeles.
Article resource:
Home Based Business Guide: Road to Wealth
Are you tired of working for someone else? Are you a risk-taker and fiercely independent? Are you persistent and driven to succeed? "YES" to all these, you can be a candidate to be an entrepreneur. At least, you have the basic ingredients.
Making money from home is a growing trend. As the Internet accessibility increases, thousands of online home based business opportunities are created every day. Even though, working from home requires certain personality traits and vision, many people are joining the bandwagon to make money online.
Some starts a home based business on a part-time basis while balancing work and home life, and others start full-time if their family and finance allow. Either way, some people are driven by their goal to turn their home based business to a multi-million dollar corporation. This shows you, if you have a passion and desire for the unknown challenge and independence of being an entrepreneur and commitment to follow through on your passion, it will take you where you want to go.
There are however, a few tips you can consider before starting your own home based business.Create a vision. Having a vision for your life and work will guide you through trying times and help you focus on your path to get to where you want to go.
- Assess your personal inventory. Believe in yourself but be honest about your weaknesses and strengths.
- Find out your interest and hobbies. Explore what makes you happy and what is your interest and hobbies are.
- Research your chosen industry. Learn from successful businesses and interview the successful business owners.
- Draw up a business plan. Having a business plan will help you achieve your goals and make sure you follow through your plan.
- Formulate your budget. Think like an entrepreneur and take charge of your business finances and stick with your budget.
Finally, starting a home business requires some capital but capital alone doesn’t make you guarantee for success. A few businesses started with shoestring budgets often became one of the most successful businesses. Running a home based business is not a child play but it is rewarding. It takes challenge and it will test you in all different situations. Do not afraid of falling off the boat, you get back up and try again. If you are persistent and driven, you will be successful at the end and your rewards will be more than you can imagine. GO GET HIM TIGER!!
Article source:
Memoirs of a Geisha (Movie Review)
The movie, Memoirs of a Geisha is an adaptation of Arthur Golden’s best selling novel directed by Rob Marshall. His previous musical ‘Chicago’ showed his talent as a director, this movie confirms the brilliance of his ability as a director.
The movie starts with a girl, Chiyo and her sister are taken from their fishing village and sold to a slave trader by her father. Chiyo ends up at a Geisha house. Her journey starts as a servant and becomes a possible candidate for training to be a geisha while her sister Satsu (Samantha Futerman) is immediately forced to work as a prostitute. We get to see the first glimpse of the geisha of the house, Hatsuomo (Gong Li), who uses Chiyo as an escape goat for her own misbehavior and threatens to crush her. She never suspected however, Chiyo could become her rival later on.
As a young girl, Chiyo first met the Chairman (Ken Watanabe) who showed her the kindness she never had, after that moment, her desire to one day become a geisha to be with him. The idea of falling in love was not permitted in the Geisha’s life, Chiyo somehow saw her own life through Hatsuomo’s emotional pain and destruction as a young girl.
Under the kindness and guidance of Mamesha (Michelle Yeoh), Chiyo begins her training and mastered the arts of music, dance, clever conversation, crafty battle with rival geishas, and cunning seduction of wealthy patrons. Finally, she becomes a geisha and is given the name of Sayuri (Ziyi Zhang). Sayuri’s one and only the dream of being with the Chairman while she still has her difficult times with her geisha life.
Trying to outsmart the popular geisha Hatsuomo, and get the business of the powerful patrons, we can taste the rivalry and viciousness of the business side of the industry at that time in a subtle way. She became the most popular geisha in town when she got her triumphant auction of her mizuage (virginity) for a record price. Her continuous efforts to win the heart of the Chairman, and "wanting a life that is hers" didn’t come easy.
Although, many Westerners have a fascination of the mysterious image of geishas, the portrait of their lives under the elegant prose, mysterious grace, and artistic mastery, we can experience the other side in the movie. It has been made-to-believe the Gaisha was a noble profession before the WWII.
The movie, Memoirs of a Geisha gives us glimpse of the entire secret life of a geisha. In a sense, I am glad to see that the movie didn’t carry on to show the mystical side of the geisha throughout the movie, instead, it showed a human side of the epic.
Even though, many people complained about actors and actresses were not Japanese and not spoken in Japanese language, however, it captured the essence of the drama. Without a doubt, a beautiful soundtrack by John Williams (with cello by Yo Yo Ma, and violin by Itzyak Pearlman) enhanced the movie. The movie, Memoirs of a Geisha made the art of fiction became alive in a big screen.
We Welcome All LEGAL Immigrants!
The immigration is one of the most controversial issues in recent months; especially it has been on the headlines since hundreds and thousands of illegal protesters flooded into Los Angeles City streets demanding their rights. Everyone agrees that the immigrants built the United States and we all welcome them with open arms.
Many of us tried to look away from the problem as long as it doesn't affect immediate pocket books. Even though, we know that illegal immigrants cost states millions of our tax dollars in California and Arizona. Particularly, it is ironic that high school protesters, who are probably illegal immigrants being subsidized by American citizen’s tax money for free schooling, have little regard for the country. Some of us were starting to be annoyed by Mexican flags being waived by these protesters dishonoring the American flag. Yet they were demanding the same rights as the citizens. On the other hand, many companies want to cheap labor from honest, hardworking immigrants who just want a better life for themselves and their families. There’s the hypocrisy of the nonsense from both sides.
There is no simple answer to resolve the immigration problem. Currently, twelve million illegal immigrants are in the Unites States and the numbers are growing every day. One thing everyone agrees that our borders should be controlled first, while we are figuring out what to do with these twelve million undocumented illegal immigrants.
The congress wants to make them felons. No doubt it is not going to happen. Options have been discussed such as making a guest-worker program to continue the supply of labor or, make them all citizens of the United States. Either way, it is encouraging others to continue to come into the country illegally.
Non-Americans are discussing a boycott on May 1 that will stop work, buy, going to school and everything else what they are doing. We should support this effort and use the entire month of May as the month without illegal immigrant workers, and see whether we are able to survive. At the same time, make them all return their home country temporarily before they can legally return. So, they can go through the regular channel and requirements that other legal immigrants go through.
Without a doubt that the country needs immigration and all Americans welcome it. Unlike other countries, the opportunities are offered to all legal immigrants in the United States as they should be; however, not for illegal undocumented immigrants. For example, no matter how many years an American resides in other countries as an immigrant, he/she is rarely permitted to work or get a professional job in that particular country because these countries want to protect these jobs for their own citizens. We all understand that these countries have the right to protect their sovereignties. Why shouldn’t these illegal immigrants understand that?
Illegal immigration problem can be solved when politicians stop being politicians and rule by the law. Americans greet all legal immigrants with open arms when they learn and speak the English language and encourage their children to excel at a good education. We all like to see our neighbors to be diversified and learn other cultures through them. The difference between welcome and unwelcome immigrants by Americans is Legal or Illegal. As it sounds, illegal means against the law and legal means abiding the law. It is as simple as that. We welcome all LEGAL immigrants!